Ceres Lodge 4179



Freemasonry is one of the world’s oldest and largest non-religious, non-political, fraternal and charitable organisations.

Ceres Lodge actively supports Masonic charities and has also supported a number of non-masonic charities over the years

Delve into the rich traditions of Freemasonry as we gather to celebrate our shared values and principles

We meet at Mark Masons’ Hall in St. James Street, London SW1A 1PL: https://markmasonshall.org.

The Kent Club for London Freemasons organises social events for Masons and their families.

Engage in enlightening discussions, partake in meaningful rituals, and forge lasting connections with fellow brethren


Meet James Walker Secretary of the London Freemasons Charity

We caught up with James Walker, Secretary and Trustee of the London Freemason’s Charity, to...

The Scrip Purse What would you do Almoners are tackling emotionally charged scenarios

You receive a message which informs you that a Brother has suffered a serious accident...

Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Chapter Golf Society Update

Metropolitan Grand Lodge & Chapter Golf Society Update    Bro Morris Bentley reports   Russell...

The Kent and Connaught Clubs

The Kent Club: A Masonic voyage of discovery W Bro Andrei Padure, Club Communications Officer,...

Meet the Whisky Lodge

Yorick Lodge No 2771 was consecrated on the 31st October 1899.   The founders were...


London Masons help to get new air ambulances airborne

London Masons are helping two new aircraft get off the ground this autumn – and...

With over 42,000 missing person reports in London each year, London Search and Rescue significantly expands operational capability

At just six years old, London Search and Rescue (LONSAR) is the most recently established...

Middlesex and London unite for Up Against Time

Just before 9am on Saturday 1st June, thirty-three Metropolitan and Middlesex Freemasons, family members, and...

Revisiting Solomon: A world of new resources

It has been a while since I highlighted the excellent resource of Solomon in these...

The Visitor: The Visitor attends The Earl of Mornington Chapter

My name is Edward Compton and I like to visit Lodges. In fact, I visit...

Beyond the Square: artist Bro Aaron Goshine

In this edition of Arena, we caught up Bro Aaron Goshine of Highgate Lodge No...