Ceres Lodge 4179



Freemasonry is one of the world’s oldest and largest non-religious, non-political, fraternal and charitable organisations.

Ceres Lodge actively supports Masonic charities and has also supported a number of non-masonic charities over the years

Delve into the rich traditions of Freemasonry as we gather to celebrate our shared values and principles

We meet at Mark Masons’ Hall in St. James Street, London SW1A 1PL: https://markmasonshall.org.

The Kent Club for London Freemasons organises social events for Masons and their families.

Engage in enlightening discussions, partake in meaningful rituals, and forge lasting connections with fellow brethren



Guy Roberts of the MCF reports It is no surprise that the arrival of Covid-19 has...

The Metropolitan Grand Lodge of London GUIDE TO SETTING UP AND USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA

  This article is part of the Arena Magazine, Issue 41 July 2020 edition. Arena...


An update from the Chairman, W Bro Dudley Price PAGDC My article for the Spring...

R W Bro Rex Thorne EULOGY

W Bro Robert Corp-Reader OBE PDepGSwdBremembers his great chum. We are gathered here today to...

London Freemasons’ grant provides entertainment to the elderly in RMBI home

At the end of last year, residents of the Prince George Duke of Kent Court,...

London Freemasonry supports the ‘Vocaleyes’ Charity – opening up theatre appreciation to the blind a

W Bro John Little SLGR reports Work of the VocalEyes charity in enabling the blind...

‘Write here, write now!’: London Freemasons’ support pioneering work at the Polka Theatre

London Freemasons are backing a pioneering effort to support those in need. Your contributions have enabled...

R W Bro Rex Thorne Past Metropolitan Grand Master 1927 to 2020

W Bro Peter Walker SLGR remembers Rex Francis Thorne was born on 6th June 1927...

London Freemasons’ Charity supports the ‘Pathways Through Dementia’ Charity

W Bro Andrea Gabrielli reports I joined the Arena team just before the ‘Masonic call-off’...

Grove Park Lodge No 2824 gets ‘stuck in’

Bro Dean Gale explains the Lodge’s various contributions Grove Park Kent Lodge No 2824 has been...

A Younger Mason Speaks – Bro Luke Levine discusses his journey into Freemasonry

I joined Freemasonry being initiated into the Lodge of Fraternal Unity No 7330 in February of...

Why Should I Visit… A Livery Lodge?

Around a fifth of the City of London’s 110 Livery Companies have a masonic Lodge....