Ceres Lodge 4179



Freemasonry is one of the world’s oldest and largest non-religious, non-political, fraternal and charitable organisations.

Ceres Lodge actively supports Masonic charities and has also supported a number of non-masonic charities over the years

Delve into the rich traditions of Freemasonry as we gather to celebrate our shared values and principles

We meet at Mark Masons’ Hall in St. James Street, London SW1A 1PL: https://markmasonshall.org.

The Kent Club for London Freemasons organises social events for Masons and their families.

Engage in enlightening discussions, partake in meaningful rituals, and forge lasting connections with fellow brethren


Emergency food for Indian families during pandemic funded by London Freemasons

Families and children experiencing severe poverty in India during the COVID-19 pandemic will be receiving...

Looking after someone? Know someone who might be? Join our Carer Aware session with Carers UK

Every day, 6000 people become unpaid carers. If you support a loved one who is...

London Communications: What’s next?

By W Bro Omaid Hiwaizi PAGDC, SLGR It’s been a busy and unpredictable year since...

An inside look at the new shop at Freemasons Hall

By W Bro Gur Samuel LGR When meetings resume and Brethren return to Freemasons Hall,...

Man at the Top — W Bro John Shulman PSGD MetGInsp

W Bro David Pugsley SLGR interviews I first meet Bro John on a Microsoft Teams’...


Through no choice of our own, we currently find ourselves existing in an unbelievable set...

Serving a friend or brother in time of need

Arena reports W Bro Alastair Bates, Al to his friends, is the Secretary of Euphrates...

Gourmet meals for the ICU – A restaurateur feeds NHS staff

Bro Seb Giroux investigates Some of you may already have wandered down Gray’s Inn Road,...

The Creativity and Communications Lodge The Royal Leopold Lodge No 1669

W Bro Rod Glyn-Thomas LGR reports A Lodge for those with an interest in Creativity,...

Navy Lodge presentation of Tercentennial Jewel 31 May 2017

On May 31st (appropriately the anniversary of the Battle of Jutland) Brethren of Navy Lodge...

Metropolitan Grand Lodge support to Lifelites

Amy Buddle, fundraising officer, reports Throughout the pandemic, we have all come to rely on...

Metropolitan Active Office

W Bro Col Simon Bennett LGR MetAGSwdB Every Masonic Lodge and Chapter elects or appoints...