Ceres Lodge 4179

Farewell to the Cyberknife



Freemasonry is one of the world’s oldest and largest non-religious, non-political, fraternal and charitable organisations.

Ceres Lodge actively supports Masonic charities and has also supported a number of non-masonic charities over the years

Delve into the rich traditions of Freemasonry as we gather to celebrate our shared values and principles

We meet at Mark Masons’ Hall in St. James Street, London SW1A 1PL: https://markmasonshall.org.

The Kent Club for London Freemasons organises social events for Masons and their families.

Engage in enlightening discussions, partake in meaningful rituals, and forge lasting connections with fellow brethren

As we celebrate our charity successes supporting London’s Air Ambulance, it’s easy to forget that we have been major supporters of charities across the City for decades.

Back in 2010, we – Met and many thousands of Masons under its banner – were immensely proud to support the Cyberknife at Barts Hospital, which, since its unveiling in 2012 has helped treat thousands of people suffering dangerous cancers.

This Summer, after 12 remarkable years, this Cyberknife has been decommissioned, and the Barts Charity has produced an infographic celebrating some of its achievements along the way.

If you have Facebook, you can also watch a short video which features representatives of London Freemasonry at the celebration of the Cyberknife’s career. We were there at the start, and delighted to attend at the finish line, too.


This article is part of the Arena Magazine, Issue 56 Winter 2024 edition.
Arena Magazine is the official magazine of the London Freemasons – Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Metropolitan Grand Chapter of London.

Read more articles in the Arena Issue 56 here.