Here are the Craft Digest contents for the latest issue of Arena:
Leading French Freemasons Witness a Fine Donation at Walthamstow
Con Amore Lodge 3633 Welcomes Seven New Brethren in Multiple Initiation
60 Years (Plus One) for W Bro Malcolm Leaf
Centenary Celebrations for St Margaret Westminster Lodge No 4518
Two for the Price of One at Mercurius
Masonic Co-operation from Falcon Lodge
A Generous Summer Soiree for Old Owen’s Lodge
Westminsterian Lodge: A Beacon of Revival
Military Music for RMBI Members – and a New Lodge for Cadet Force Instructors
A Triple Passing for Canonbury
Orion Raises Money for London Air Ambulance Appeal
Eastern Star Hosts the Welcome Project
Visit of a Lewis to Certified Accountants Lodge 7582
A 50 Year Certificate for W Bro Steve Brown of Paternoster Lodge
Connecting Craft and Royal Arch at Ubique
Coborn Triple Initiation Supports Chingford’s Widows